
Medium: Acrylic and nail polisher on canvas

Size: 31 x 31 (small); 51 x 51 (medium); 71 x 71 (large) cm

Completion date: 30th April, 2012


  • obsession 記錄一段個人經歷,一段虐待式情感關係(Abusive relationship)

  • 整體風格模仿抽象表現主義(ABstract expressionism),在歷史中有不少例子說明此藝術運動能令藝術家可以自由地以視覺元素,如線條顏色形狀等,去表達個人感受,令觀眾透過畫作感受到背後的故事及情感之流露。主要模仿的畫家有Bridget riley 著名條紋畫作,他的畫作曾經被喻為 「可能會引起噁心」。 因為巨大的彩色條紋作品會為你創造出如波浪般的感覺, 似乎要破壞你的感知。另外,抽象表現主義中的色域繪畫大師(Colour field painting) Mark rothko 也是靈感泉源,自由地發揮內心思想,將藝術與觀眾拉近成親密關係。不單只被顏色所影響,而能夠被更強大的情緒所牽引;行動繪畫大師(Action painting)大師 jackson pollock 亦有影響,將「滴畫法」的概念以畫筆把顏料滴濺在畫布上,作畫時和畫布的接觸不固定在一個位置,而是在畫布四周走動,使構圖沒有主要中心,結構無法辨認;以反复的無意識的動作畫成複雜難辨,線條錯亂的網;畫面上線條縱橫曲扭,色彩變幻無常。

  • Obsession 中橫條紋代表原則及有紀律的生活。從第一幅畫布開始(最底部),由指甲油造成的橫條紋筆直正常,觀眾幾乎看不到背景畫面;到第二幅畫布(中間),橫條紋減少更開始滴下來,背景開始若隱若現;第三幅畫布(最頂部),整體畫面模糊不清,代表淚水和汗水的稀釋顏料將橫條紋沖走,並輾成碎片。

  • 線條後的背景,想要表達是關係中的主要情景。模仿意大利靜物畫家giorgio morandi 風格使用淡色monochrome 繪成的地鐵站,一個藏有重要密碼的地方。morandi 亦描繪日常景象為名,亦切合obsession 背景的主題。重點是,隨著線條減少而露出更多,但同時最後一幅的線條碎裂也令背景變得面目全非。

  • 畫布的次序由最大幅置頂,最小的置底,次序代表關係最後所變成的模樣影響了人生的大部分感覺,而負面情感更佔據了整個人生,筆直的生活已經無法保留,虐待式的情感更無法脫離。選擇用指甲油,強調一種女性奉獻精神(female dedication),細膩切情感豐富。

  • Obsession 引用出Bridget riley 的 「嘔心感覺」,同樣地,obsession 的迷戀及虐式情感希望呈現出嘔心氛圍;和mark rothko 的概念同樣地將畫作及觀眾拉緊情感;最後,不規限畫作放置於畫架上創作,頂部的滴畫法猶如 jackson pollock 作畫時進入瘋狂狀態般失控。

  • 畫作背後的故事敘述一個人,從有規律,及正常的生活,慢慢被一段虐待式關係侵佔並化成迷戀,而一步步將內心摧毀。


Obsession is a track of my personal experiences, in particular to a romantic abusive relationship. Abstract Expressionism is adapted for artists to express freely through visual elements: Stripes represents principle, which later crashed into pieces and washed away.


In Obsession, Stripes represents principled, from being principled and straight, in which later turns into lines that have crashed down and falling into pieces, it’s the inner-obsession that destroys me. From this, I looked through Bridget Riley’s stripes paintings as well form representations. Personal experiences shape all of us, the past teaches us lessons and the way we perceive things now and in future. The title has given a hint about Obsession, it tracks down my obsessive behaviour towards a romantic relationship, crying with tears has become an obsession to me and I enjoyed how it makes me cry.


I’ve used both nail-polisher and acrylic paints. Nail-polisher is a notable feminine symbol, I worked on it towards a female perspective to show my commitments towards this relationship. It also shows a development of crying as an obsession, the proportion grows from bits to a largest possible scale, it provides a contradictory between joy and depressed. By vertically placing it the other way round, it communicates my feelings of being obsessed throughout. Besides, when I review from the very beginning, this relationship was abusive in the first place.

I shared similar colour schemes with Giorgio Morandi's still life paintings, it gives a piece of frustration and repressed emotion, and it also unified the series of paintings.


Personal experience can either brings up a person or kills it; after all, experiences are only past tenses, it's all depends on how you perceive it and make use of it in your life ahead.